Duluth: "Opening" up a can of PRs

Friday Night Lights came and went. But what happened during the Open shouldn't stay in the Open. Especially when it was a bunch of PRs!

Another year of the CrossFit Open and Friday Night Lights (FNL) have come and gone.

We saw everything this year from utilizing the dumbbell for clean and jerks (18.1) to doing the first benchmark workout (Diane 18.4) ever in the open! We also saw people able to get some clean (18.2A) PR’s, as well as some athletes getting their first pull-ups (18.3)!! Now lets not forget about ALL of our first time FNLers and throwing our active peeps for a loop on the last week by putting a barbell in their hands for thrusters (18.5)!!

The most important thing of FNL, however, is our community. The community came together to raise just under $700  for Aerial Athletics’ very own Timmon Lund and his charity ‘Catch Your Moment’ (www.catchyourmoment.org). To throw the icing on the cake our 50/50 raffle winner Tanya Nichols decided to also donate her winning half of the 50/50 raffle to Catch Your Moment!!

We truly could not put this event on without each and every one of you guys. The amount of selflessness is amazing. Everything from volunteering to judge, setup/reset workouts/change weights, cheering on your fellow athletes, all while having fun competing. Huge shout out to our title sponsor Kylmala Truss, as well as 5:20 CrossFit LITE, Cathy &Jim Renk, Crooked Pint Ale House, Go Klean, Johnson Wilson Constructors, Lynnette’s Photography, One Life Community Church, Orthopedic Associates of Duluth, Stan & Jane Johnston, Steve & Rose Surchik, and Wheeler Associates. 

Each and every one of our sponsors this year has a direct tie to the Aerial Community. How cool is that?!


Our end of the year award winners were as follows:

Spirit of the Lights: Seth Johnson 
Rookie of the Year – Male: Brandon Eales
Rookie of the Year – Female – Laura Fabini
Bright Lights – Male – Jon Otis
Bright Lights – Male – Joe Cremers
Bright Lights – Female – Lisa Rindal
Bright Lights – Female – Hannah Radice

Winning FNL Team: Team Blue

I’m sensing a little Russian interference here; look for further updates and investigations on this topic in the future…

News and noteworthy:

Laura Fabini: Got her first pull-ups the day before 18.3 and was able to do the full scaled workout almost completing both rounds!!

Tiffany Venne: Recently came off of shoulder surgery and was worried about the ‘unknown’ factor with open workouts. She had just started hanging on the bar again but tackled the open with the mindset of “just try”. That’s exactly what she did and killed it. She also moved up from the Rec division last year to doing the Scaled division this year!

Brandon Eales: Got his first pull-up ever!! He also hit a new clean PR of 185 even after doing all those squats and burpees!

Jessica Goodermote: Not only did she just kill our most recent Aerial Challenge, she picked right up where she left off with killing the Open! She finished all of the workouts and even threw in a little handstand walk during 18.4! She’s clearly a natural!

Karen Carr: Competed in her first FNL, AND got her first pull-ups!! She also mentioned that she accomplished her goal of not throwing up after any of the workouts!

Roxanne Moline: Pretty sure she only signed up because so many worked to convince her to do it it, but she did it and was beyond thrilled that she did. She hit a new clean PR and got her first pushup from her toes going on to complete 45 of them!

Anna Swenson: Completed 3/5 of the workouts RX this year! She not only got her first C2B, but also got 24 of them!

Jen Stenersen: Just started kipping her pull-ups recently and was able to kill 18.3 because of it. This was her first year of FNL and first participation of a competition style event. I’m thinking it’s safe to say she’s caught the competition bug!!

Julie Johnson: Competed in her first FNL, which to her was a big accomplishment. She battled through some illnesses to make it a point to show up to FNL… can you say dedication?!

Tanya Nichols: Not only accomplished her age group goal, but absolutely dominated it. She might have shed a tear during the heavy deadlifts in 18.4, but did it with grace. She said that since she’s been able to make the gym a priority she has seen great improvements!

Amanda Johnstone: Might not have gotten a PR lift, but competed 3 of the workouts RX (really she says 2.5, but we’re rounding up!). She also did 6 rounds of T2B in 18.1!

Lisa Rindal: Just like Jessica G, Lisa also came to FNL fresh out of the Aerial Challenge. She absolutely loved getting her hands on a barbell in 18.5! Anybody who practices the bear crawl at home belongs in the Aerial Community!

Ryan Murphy: Pushed past his barriers and did RX for all 5 weeks! For him the biggest roadblock was pushing past the thoughts of scaling down because he was afraid of a movement. He might not have gotten a ring muscle up, but he sure as heck tried!

Ashley Boone: She got 24 REAL kipping pull-ups and stayed in control of her pacing by fighting through the pain. When she first started out she thought that she’d never get pull-ups, let alone string them together in a workout!

Blaine Hansen: When he first started CrossFit he was only able to get a handful of double-unders. In the open he was able to string huge sets together and almost made it to the second round of 18.3.

Angela Pecarina: She got a 20# clean PR of 145. She also got her first kipping pull up, going on to complete 35 of them!


Thank you to everyone for another amazing year of Friday Night Lights!
Duluth: "Opening" up a can of PRs

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