HolIday Daze
Three simple rules to stay on track - but still enjoy & indulge - this Holiday season!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
….but seriously I’m not just talking about the snow! Holiday season is here which means leftover Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, work parties, Christmas dinners, and all the cookies and pies that come along with it.
Don’t worry we wouldn’t expect you to be completely strict over the Holiday season and forego all the fun, but we also know that if you are a part of this wonderful community you care about your health and most likely have goals that you are reaching for as well.
So how do we balance this Holiday season with our goals?
First, put down or throw out all that extra Halloween candy from your kids.
It’s been over a week - time to let go.
Second, everything in moderation!
This time a year is special and you should enjoy yourself at your family get togethers and work parties. Eat all the delicious Holiday food on Thanksgiving day and Christmas dinner, and have a cookie or piece of pie. This doesn’t mean have five plates full or a whole pie, but enjoy yourself you have the rest of the month to stick to your plan.
Third, stick to your routine except for those few special occasions.
Make sure you sign up and commit to coming to class, start meal prepping on the weekend so that you have healthy options throughout the week when you are in a rush because of all the events taking place. Don't be afraid to reach out for help and suggestions.
Lastly, get back at it.
If you find that one week didn’t go as planned and you missed class or didn’t eat as healthy as you usually do. Don’t fret about it! Just make the adjustment and move on!
P.S. Don’t forget we have the Friendsgiving Throwdown and Friendsgiving Formal on November 18th!
The Throwdown is from 9-11am. Partners will be a randomly drawn on site right before the event. Come down and do a fun workout with the whole community!
The Formal is from 5pm-??. Potluck dinner - everyone bring a dish! Dinner and games first, followed by some awards and ending with dancing! Wear your fancy clothes and get ready to not recognize anybody :)
Make sure to sign up on Facebook or at the Gym for both events!.