Lino Lakes : What the Open Meant to Me
The impact of being a part of the 2018 CrossFit Open and our Friday Night Lights.
From Coach/General Manager, Chris Raaymakers
"The Open.
Its hard for me to express or put into words my experience during our first ever CrossFit Games Open with our brand new community here at Lino, so I will let my members share their experience.
'From every moment I have learned, I have pushed myself harder than I ever thought I would. It has given me drive and made me want to become better. My limits were tested but it made me hungry to become stronger and faster. I got a little bit of a high because it was tough but the competitive side in me takes over and I almost immediately started thinking of how much harder I could have gone. I am still learning when to pace myself or when to go all out but thats what makes this so much fun. This year may not be the results I have hoped for but it will give me a foundation to build on for next year. We come together for one night for five weeks and we are stronger because of it.'
Thank you to the members of the Lino community."