Suggestions vs Directions

One of the reasons you are not making progress.

Do you find yourself struggling during workouts or not getting the results that you are looking for?  

Ask yourself this, are you following the directions the coaches give you in class?  

Everything written on the board from the warm up, time frame, repetition, movements, weights for each level are directions.  Which means you need to follow them in order to be successful.

Now this is key; do you listen to the coach when they say you should choose a weight that allows you to:

-“do the reps unbroken” but you have to break the first set up into sets of 3, you went to heavy and are not performing this work with what the coaches had intended.

-“do the reps as heavy singles” but you do the reps unbroken and finish 5 mins before everyone else, you went to light and are not performing this work with what the coaches had intended.

-“do consistent sets for the entire workout”, you start off with breaking the sets into two but by the end you are doing singles, you went to heavy and are not performing this work with what the coaches had intended.  

We are not trying to crush your spirit, embarass you in class, or knock down your ego. The exact opposite actually.

You need to listen to directions from the coaches, crossfit is suppose to be varied you are not always suppose to go light, or heavy, quick or passed, it will be different each day this keeps our body constantly trying to adapt to the new situation!  

So please listen and follow the directions and guidance we offer. Don’t make the mistake of doing whatever you want, you will not get the results that you are looking for.

Suggestions vs Directions

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