The Foundation of a Successful Workout Plan
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fitness, there are a few principles that will help anyone achieve real results.
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fitness, there are a few principles that will help anyone achieve the results they desire.
It starts with understanding what results you want and accepting that what you’re doing now isn’t working – or isn’t working anymore. Figuring out how to move forward might begin by meeting with your coach to develop a plan that incorporates the elements that serve as a foundation for any effective workout plan.
First and foremost, the road to results starts with your nutrition.
Exercise is only part of getting fit. More important is how you fuel your body. Everyone’s nutrition requirements are different, and we help individuals determine the proper amounts of macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) they should be eating based on where they’re at during time of assessment. It’s important to know that as your fitness journey progresses, your nutrition needs could very well shift. Our coaches are trained and ready to help members identify what their nutrient goals should be, and to reevaluate on a regular basis.
Second, it’s important to identify your weaknesses.
And focus on these! If you continue to only train the exercises you love to do, then you’ll only get the results you’ve gotten. Whatever those exercises you love are, still incorporate them – because you should enjoy your workout regime – but also make time to focus on what you avoid doing. Need help identifying your weaknesses? Start here:
- What is my push vs. pull strength? (How much can you bench vs. row?)
- What is my quad vs. hamstring strength? (How much can you squat vs. deadlift?)
- What is my upper body vs. lower body strength? (How much time is typically spent training each?)
- What movements do I avoid/dislike? (Typically a sign that there is something you need to work on…)
Third, take the time to appreciate the small improvements.
Fitness is a lifetime journey and you need to chip away at it. So, stop getting caught up in the big end goal whether it’s the overall amount of weight you want to lose, or large increase in weight you want to lift. Set those goals, but then set small, incremental and attainable checkpoints. Focus on the progress of building each training session on the last. This can mean adding 2.5 lb plates each time you front squat, or being able to do the same weight at a higher rep count. Make sure you keep track, so you can follow progress and know where to start next time the same movement comes up in your training schedule.
Fourth, stop training to failure.
It’s not sustainable to train every single day to your absolute maximum potential. Soreness should not be the indicator of a good or bad workout. And, just because you can do that RX weight doesn’t mean you always should – in fact, sometimes to achieve the proper stimulus of a workout, you might do a very different weight than what’s prescribed. If you’re not sure about what the stimulus of a workout should be – ask your coach!
To look and feel great you need to prioritize constant progress as well as recovery. Focus on how you feel and changes will follow. A few things that are more important than going to your max every day include:
- How you look in the mirror
- How you’re sleeping
- Your energy levels
- How you’re able to perform in a workout
- How your clothes fit
- Body scan results
- Measurements
Your body should be capable of activity every day. If you’re exhausted or too sore to train with intensity, you’re not doing your body any good in the long run.
Last, but not least, find a balance of weight training and cardio.
We know by now that in order to alter your body composition (lose body fat, add muscle) you must lift weights and also perform some amount of cardio. Where people tend to slack is incorporating cardio regularly. Having a strong aerobic system is a good thing (aids fat loss, muscle gain, improves health, builds better athletes). With a strong aerobic system, you’ll be able to stay fresh longer, meaning intensity can stay higher longer and you can train longer and harder. Keep in mind that 1-2 cardio sessions no longer than 30 minutes (even lower-to-moderate intensity) is enough to have an impact on your overall training.
Members can set up a goals meeting with their primary coach to discuss progress and adjust goals at any point throughout their fitness journey.
Happy training!