The Games are not CrossFit
But Coach, what you preach isn't what I see on TV!
With the CrossFit Open coming up in the next few weeks, I wanted to write a blog about a discussion we had a few months back...
The CrossFit Games, are not the same as what we try to provide in class!
Let me rephrase that...The Games athletes do not follow the same rules (for form) as we apply/recommend as coaches.
Want the 3rd version or should I move on?
This is a simple reminder that, although we want to believe it in our minds, we are not games level athletes.
They will deadlift with rounded backs.
They will scorpion their handstand walks.
Their knees will cave on squats.
They might not wrap their thumbs around the pull-up bar.
They will kip and kip and kip.
If you happen to follow any of these athletes online, you will see that most of their training is just that = training.
We talked prior, about the difference in training vs competing (Jan 7th I think).
99% of your time you are training so why are you using Games athletes, during the Games, as an excuse to do something we don't recommend, in class?
They can do the silly looking things listed above because they have earned a right to. They have built their solid foundation and when, and only when competing, do they prioritize speed over form. I know I'm generalizing a bit, I don't know every Games level athlete, but over the years I have met a few and a few coaches, add that to the podcast we (Ariel) has listened to recently, and we know this is what the smart athletes follow.
This is why we constantly tell you to slow down.
Whether it be your pacing or a strength movement, save the theatrics and limit your risk.
You are not getting paid to do this. You do not have sponsors to keep happy.
You have your life to live and we want you to live it to the fullest.
Have your favorite games athlete, or just love working out but if you aspire to be like them do not forget that training properly is closer to who they are more so than trying to emulate them at the Games.
We will write about the Open a bit more coming up! Thanks for reading everyone!
Coach Ryan