What has CrossFit allowed you to do?
Outside of the gym.
Everyone has their own reasons for joining CrossFit.
Weight Loss. Competition. Making friends. Getting stronger. Gaining more confidence, etc.
Who did it just so they were better at rec league volleyball? Softball?
No hands?
There are obvious reasons CrossFit is awesome. Let's talk about some of the less obvious ones.
There is a huge range here.
Maybe your knees don’t hurt when you walk up and down stairs? Or you can take the stairs and not get winded?
Maybe you don’t have to worry about your back when you help someone move houses?
Maybe you can still play catch with your kids when you are 50 and they are 18?
Maybe at 55, you go on an ATV trip and have the stamina to ride all day and not destroy your back?
It has allowed me to keep playing Softball and keep up with guys 15 years younger than me. It may just be softball but it sure feels good to keep up!
Think about it this way: if your ability is falling off now, how are you going to maintain a normal standard of living when you are 70?
Are you ready to be less independent?
Health Markers
We have talked about resting heart rate and other things.
Have you had your blood pressure checked before CrossFit and after a year or so?
What about cholesterol?
Diabetes markers?
It's easy to see physical changes, but these items are seldom talked about unless you have had issues in the past, which brought you in contact with your doctor.
Mental Health
First, I have to note that everyone is different here and I'm not saying CrossFit is going to magically fix mental health issues. I just have to believe it plays a role and can certainly be a positive influence. (It can also be a negative one if you let it)
Does anyone here think of their hour at the gym as stress relief?
Is it a great time to take some frustration out on the weights?
Is your confidence getting better while your clothes also get baggier?
Do you feel proud seeing your progress and knowing you've put in the work?
Have you met some new friends who have pushed you to be a better version of yourself?
You are surrounded by supportive and awesome individuals (coaches and members) who are not there to judge you, only to be part of your journey, if you let them.
At the end of the day (or blog), this is a reminder that no matter why you do this, it can pay huge dividends and keep you prepared for anything life throws at you. Now and for years to come!