Why are you asking us how much we cost?
Before you begin, we need to have a conversation to understand IF and HOW we can help. Before knowing this, there is no cost.
There are 2 main points to this…
- We have no idea IF or HOW we can help and it takes a discussion to see if we can accommodate your goals
- How much money do people spend to mask problems, make themselves feel better, or to find a quick fix?
Let me expand on these a little bit.
My first point, from our end, is completely understandable. Society is conditioned to ask what something cost and also to think any unclear answer back is “shady”.
Lets look at it a different way.
Think about your career? Not all of you have a position that fits this scenario but I’ll throw out some common ideas that would be the same as calling us and asking how much…
Pick your option:
- “Hi Chevy car dealership, how much is a car?”
- “Hi restaurant, how much to eat there?”
- “Hi realtor, how much is a house?”
- “Hi Dr., how much to fix my broken leg?”
We all understand that these questions would not make sense. But most gyms, even those that would seemingly have one simple price, have sign up fees, contract lengths that may change the price, etc.
Now before you think I am just salty about years of hearing this, this blog is meant to be informational. I’ll wrap everything up below with where we are coming from.
My second point!
People spends hundreds, thousands even, to make themselves feel better with objects, material possessions.
The spendy haircuts, purses, toys, jewelry, new clothes, even up to a fancy car to make yourself feel more accomplished. I didn’t even touch on the gimmick products, quick fixes, fad diets, etc.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you shouldn’t indulge or pamper yourself on occasion, but you need to work on you as well.
What about your HEALTH? We provide tools and a way to work on your Stress, Sleep, Recovery, Mobility, Confidence, and Nutrition (and more). Literally a way to take your life back!
My favorite example - how much do couples spend on weddings!? Thousands!? More?
Out of all that money, how much is spent on a gym membership, trainer, proper diet?
Some for sure, but by comparison to the rest....not much.
Yet if you spent the money to be healthy, too look and feel great, to actually get results, how much would that be worth to you?
It's something no hemmed dress or skilled photographer can duplicate just by taking a picture at the right angle.
We get it, you tried and the setup or plan or product failed you...
So we dedicated this entire business to building products that address these issues. Made our facility a place where everyone is welcome and should feel comfortable. We try to fill it with good people who are dedicated to being better.
The goal of this blog is to help you see that there is way more to this that how much it cost. It’s the value associated with it and we need the time (a face to face conversation) to understand you and your goals before we can accurately provide help.
How much would you pay for your future Health?
For accountability, coaching, tools to build better lifestyle habits, to get your confidence back, to feel amazing in that bikini, to be able to keep up with your kids?
I’ll give you a hint...it would be way more than we charge.
You are not buying workouts from us, you are buying your life back.
When you contact us and we don’t (can’t) give you and price answer, it’s because we don’t know what meal, or house, or vehicle you need. Once we do, we will give you all the answers we have. We will not waste your time.