Why you should do a virtual class?
Accountability helps
Listen, we know being stuck at home, or risking your health if you do have to work, and not having your old routine to fall back on can lead to some long days!
We have written recently about setting up your new routine.
Call us biased, but we think joining us for class should 100% be a part of your day.
Here's why?
1) Having a set time on the schedule helps reinforce your routine. Your new "normal" day.
2) Social interaction. Of course, it's not the same but it is still good for your mental health to interact with your peers. Don't forget, this is all temporary.
3) Accountability. Maybe the most important!
First, we know you are getting the workouts in.
Second, it forces you to step it up! Already, there have been numerous people who have said something along the lines of "if I weren't in class, there is no way I would do....burpees instead of sprawls", or "all 10 burpees".
Think about it, having a watchful eye in class is part of the experience.
Although we may not be able to count your reps, you still know we are watching!
Even if you choose not to join us for class, you joined the gym because you are a motivated hardworking person. I hope these values stay with you when you are holding yourself accountable at home.