Breaking the Teardrop Model of Health: How CrossFit Aerial is Leading the Change in Duluth, MN

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Across the U.S., the teardrop-shaped model of health highlights a troubling reality: only about 5% of the population is hitting the mark when it comes to real, long-lasting health habits. Meanwhile, the majority either lacks the information or the behavioral habits to make the necessary changes to improve their health. This imbalance is not just a national issue but one that hits home in Duluth, MN. However, there’s hope—right here at CrossFit Aerial, we are committed to shifting this model and empowering our community to take control of their health.

The Current Health Crisis

In the teardrop model, a small percentage of people reside at the top of the teardrop, embodying optimal health habits. They eat real food in the right quantities, focus on movement, maintain low stress levels, and invest in regular exercise. These individuals are not just about six-pack abs or aesthetics—they are playing the long game for longevity and disease prevention. Unfortunately, this represents only about 5% of the population.

In the middle of the teardrop, we find those who are trying hard but are misinformed. They are committed to making changes but often follow outdated or misguided health practices. Whether it’s consuming sugar-laden sports drinks or relying on “low-fat” processed foods, they are putting in the effort but not seeing the results.

At the base of the teardrop lies the majority of the population—over 70%—facing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. For many in this group, poor health is seen as a matter of luck or genetics, with little regard for the power of behavioral change. This perspective not only affects individuals but inundates the healthcare system, costing trillions of dollars and putting an unsustainable burden on healthcare professionals.

Duluth's Health Landscape

Duluth, like many communities across the country, is no stranger to the effects of chronic disease. The long winters and short days often push residents toward sedentary habits, and the constant influx of processed food choices makes it easy to fall into unhealthy routines. The health statistics reflect this: a significant portion of the population faces conditions related to poor lifestyle choices. But what if that could change? What if Duluth could become part of the solution?

CrossFit Aerial's Mission: Awareness and Action

At CrossFit Aerial, we are committed to changing this trajectory. Our goal is simple: to create a community of humble, hungry, and healthy individuals who not only live long lives but thrive into their later years, free of preventable diseases. We believe that with the right education and behavioral habits, Duluth residents can break free from the teardrop model and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

1. Focus on Longevity, Not Just Aesthetics

CrossFit is often seen as a sport of intensity, and while it can certainly push people to new physical limits, the real benefit lies in the long-term health outcomes. We focus on functional movements that improve strength, mobility, and resilience—key factors in preventing chronic diseases and injuries. Our training isn't about looking good on the beach; it's about being able to move well, avoid illness, and enjoy life well into your 80s and 90s.

2. Education is Key

One of the main issues highlighted by the teardrop model is that many people are misinformed. They believe they are making healthy choices but are still caught in the cycle of consuming processed foods and following fitness fads that don’t move the needle on their health. At CrossFit Aerial, we offer weekly educational resources and one-on-one health coaching to ensure that our members are informed and empowered to make the right decisions. We pull back the curtain on misleading health trends and provide guidance on how to fuel and move your body for optimal health.

3. Building a Supportive Community

Behavior change is hard, but it becomes easier when you have the right support. Our goal is to create a family here at CrossFit Aerial. We’re not just a gym—we’re a place where people come together to support one another, push each other, and hold each other accountable. From bi-annual goal meetings and personalized check-ins to our new nutrition coaching program, we’re here to ensure our members not only get started but stay on track.

4. Addressing Chronic Disease Head-On

The biggest challenge we face as a society is the rising tide of chronic diseases—largely preventable and often tied to lifestyle. At CrossFit Aerial, we address this head-on. Through our tailored programming, we help people develop habits that lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other lifestyle-related conditions. We believe in Greg Glassman’s philosophy that CrossFit is “an elegant solution to the world’s most vexing problems, i.e., chronic disease, disguised as a sport.”

Changing the Health Narrative in Duluth

If you’re reading this and feeling like you fall into one of the lower categories of the teardrop, you’re not alone. But there’s a way out. The teardrop model doesn’t have to be the future of Duluth’s health landscape. By making small, consistent changes in how we eat, move, and think about our health, we can collectively shift toward a healthier future.

CrossFit Aerial is more than a gym; it’s a movement toward a healthier, stronger Duluth. By focusing on education, community, and long-term health outcomes, we aim to help more people reach the top of the teardrop—where they are not just surviving, but thriving.

Join Us and Be Part of the Change

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone who has struggled with health for years, we’re here for you. Join us at CrossFit Aerial, where our vision is to help every member of our community live a life void of disease and full of vitality. The teardrop model may be a reality for much of the nation, but together, we can rewrite the story—starting right here in Duluth.

Ready to get started? Schedule a free assessment to personalize your health journey.

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